Lip Blushing
  • By MN Brow Lash & Medspa Academy

Lip Blushing and Lip PMU Healing: Achieving Perfect, Long-Lasting Results

Welcome to MN Brow Lash & Medspa’s comprehensive guide on healing after lip blushing or lip permanent makeup (PMU)! If you’ve recently undergone this exciting cosmetic procedure or are considering it, you’re probably curious about the healing process. How long does it take? What should you expect? And most importantly, how can you ensure the best possible results?

In this blog post, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about healing after lip blushing or lip PMU. From the initial healing stages to long-term care, we’ve got you covered. Let’s dive in!

Understanding Lip Blushing and Lip PMU

Before we discuss the healing process, let’s briefly explain what lip blushing and lip PMU are. These semi-permanent makeup techniques involve depositing pigment into the lips to enhance their color, shape, and overall appearance. The result is a subtle, natural-looking tint that can last for one to three years, depending on various factors.

The Healing Timeline

The healing process for lip blushing and lip PMU typically follows a general timeline. Immediately after the procedure, your lips will appear significantly darker and more vibrant than the final result. They may feel swollen, tender, and dry. This is completely normal and part of the initial healing phase, which usually lasts for the first three days.

From day four to seven, your lips may start to feel dry and tight. You might notice some flaking or peeling as the top layer of skin begins to heal. The color will start to fade, which can be alarming, but don’t worry – this is part of the process!

Between day eight and fourteen, the peeling should be mostly complete. Your lips may look patchy or uneven as they continue to heal. The color will continue to soften during this time.

From day fifteen to thirty, your lips will gradually settle into their final color. Any remaining unevenness should resolve during this time.

By day thirty to sixty, your lips should have healed completely, revealing their final, beautiful color.

Aftercare Instructions

Proper aftercare is crucial for achieving the best results from your lip blushing or lip PMU procedure. It’s important to keep your lips clean and dry for the first 24 hours after the procedure. After that initial period, gently cleanse them with a mild, fragrance-free cleanser and lukewarm water.

Apply a thin layer of the recommended aftercare ointment to your lips several times a day. Be sure not to over-apply, as this can lead to delayed healing. It’s crucial to avoid picking or peeling any flaking skin. Let it come off naturally to prevent pigment loss or scarring.

For the first two weeks after the procedure, don’t use any lip products such as lipstick or lip gloss. It’s also advisable to avoid spicy, salty, or acidic foods for the first few days, as these can irritate your healing lips.

Staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water helps with overall healing and can prevent excessive dryness. It’s important to avoid excessive heat, such as hot showers, saunas, or intense workouts, for at least a week.

Refrain from smoking or drinking alcohol for at least a week after the procedure, as these can interfere with healing. Similarly, avoid swimming, saunas, and steam rooms for at least two weeks.

Protecting your lips from direct sunlight during the healing process is crucial. Once healed, always use a lip balm with SPF when exposed to the sun.

Managing Common Concerns During Healing

During the healing process, it’s normal for your lips to feel dry and to experience some flaking. Resist the urge to pick at or exfoliate your lips. Instead, keep them moisturized with the recommended aftercare ointment.

Your lips will go through several color changes during the healing process. They’ll start off very bright, then may fade dramatically before settling into their final color. Trust the process and be patient!

As your lips heal, the color may appear patchy or uneven. This is normal and should resolve as healing progresses. If you’re concerned about persistent unevenness after 4-6 weeks, consult with your artist.

Some swelling is normal in the first few days. You can apply a cold compress (wrapped in a clean cloth) to your lips for short periods to help reduce swelling.

As your lips heal, they may feel itchy. This is a normal part of the healing process. Resist the urge to scratch and instead gently pat your lips or apply a small amount of aftercare ointment.

Long-Term Care for Your Lip Blushing/PMU

Once your lips have fully healed, there are steps you can take to maintain your results. Always use a lip balm with SPF when exposed to the sun. UV rays can fade the pigment over time. Stay hydrated and use a good quality lip moisturizer to keep your lips in top condition.

Avoid harsh exfoliants or chemical peels on your lips, as these can cause the pigment to fade more quickly. If you use retinol or other strong skincare products, avoid applying them directly to your lips.

Consider scheduling a touch-up appointment 6-8 weeks after your initial procedure to perfect your results. Plan for annual touch-ups to maintain your lip color and shape.

When to Contact Your Artist

While some discomfort during healing is normal, there are times when you should reach out to your artist or a healthcare professional. If you experience excessive swelling, redness, or heat around your lips, it’s important to seek advice. The same goes for any signs of infection, such as unusual discharge or a foul odor.

If you develop a fever or feel unwell in the days following your procedure, don’t hesitate to contact a healthcare provider. Allergic reactions, such as severe itching or hives, should also prompt immediate contact.

If your lips are taking significantly longer to heal than expected, or if you’re unsure about any aspect of the healing process, it’s always better to ask your artist for guidance.

Healing after lip blushing or lip PMU is a journey that requires patience and proper care. By following these aftercare instructions and understanding what to expect during the healing process, you’re setting yourself up for beautiful, long-lasting results.

At MN Brow Lash & Medspa Academy, we’re committed to ensuring you have the best possible experience with your lip blushing or lip PMU procedure. From your initial consultation to your final reveal, we’re here to support you every step of the way.

Remember, everyone’s healing process is unique. If you have any questions or concerns during your healing journey, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’re here to help you achieve the perfect, natural-looking lip color you’ve always wanted!

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take for lip blushing/lip PMU to fully heal?

The complete healing process typically takes about 4-6 weeks. However, you’ll see your final results developing gradually over this period.

Can I eat normally after lip blushing/lip PMU?

For the first few days, it’s best to avoid spicy, salty, or acidic foods as they may irritate your lips. Stick to softer foods and drink through a straw to minimize contact with your healing lips.

Will my lips be swollen after the procedure?

Some swelling is normal and usually subsides within 24-48 hours. You can apply a cold compress gently to help reduce swelling.

How often do I need touch-ups for lip blushing/lip PMU?

Most people benefit from a touch-up 6-8 weeks after the initial procedure to perfect the results. After that, annual touch-ups are recommended to maintain the color and shape.

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